SO...two of my awesome teenage children are bipolar. Yep! Bipolar. Which means, we live in a world where the floor is a teeter totter covered in egg shells. You just never know if you're going to have a pleasant day, a pissy day, a day where you kinda just want to hide, super energetic and fun day, or a very aggressive day where violence or shredding communication will abound, just never know if you're going to be tossed up in the air or not and if you do if it will be fun or painful.
So, the last few days my son has been sleeping and sleeping and sleeping...just sort of being "blah" and today...WHAM! I pick him up from school and he's just chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter... I took him to the store and he was off the hook...kinda like Brendan Fraser in the 1997 movie "George of the Jungle" when he eats all of Ursula's coffee grounds and has an overly dramatic killer caffeine buzz. My son was skipping here and there and was ON, so on if he had a switch it would have been set to TURBO. He was trying to strong arm the cart to push us in one direction and then BLAM...SWITCH directions!
WHOA! Buster. Stop. Breathe. F O C U S. Pump your breaks.
This would be an introduction to ONE type of mania. The cranked on high, full throttle, busy brain activity--except the frontal lobe, that's where reason happens, logic, the filter for which you realize something may not actually be a bright idea after all, yeah, THAT part sorta gets lazy and just, well, goes on strike, takes a break, blows it's circuit. What you're left with is GO GO GO GO GO.... for better or worse...
Now we just have to see if he's going to trigger his sister and in which direction that running duck with go...
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