Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Awesome Oldest Son

One of my absolute most favorite things in the entire world is when my 16 year old son ways, "I love you, mom."  I don't care if it's in person, in text, or on a voice message, it makes me feel 10 feet tall.

He's a good kid. A handful, but so good.

No one can make me laugh like he can...even when it's not a good time to be laughing, which he uses to his advantage often.

I miss him as a baby, as a toddler, as a six year old...I miss all those awesome stages. I miss tossing him in the air and watching his face open in wonderful surprise, I miss the pitter-patter of him running through the house, the way he used to call for me saying "tweeeet-heaaaart" (lol So CUTE), how he wanted me to read to him at night and then sing him to sleep, I miss "those little guys".

Oh, but how my heart swells when I see him open the door for his girlfriend, how he cares ever-so-much how she feels and what she thinks about things, how he tries to be supportive to her, even when he's over protective of her (just a little).

He makes up the most humorous jiggles and silly songs. When he plays with our youngest daughter he's so sweet compared to his regular machismo self.

Even though he's taller than me, his feet are so much larger than mine, and he can pick me up, he still calls me mommy. I'd do just about anything for this kid! (the others, too, but I'm talking about him at the moment) 

Of course, there are things I would like him to improve upon (you know, like pulling up his pants), but, you know, my 16 year old son is pretty dang fantastic.

We had some rough times. Really BAD choices on his part. Difficult experiences. He's turned a corner though.

So, this is a post just to say that I really appreciate the blessing of this young man in my life. I hope I am being a good Mom to this son who so deserves one.

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