Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

This is a day of reverence...
...a day of gratitude...
...of thanksgiving...
...of recognition...
...of remembering...
...of honor...
...of pride...
...of peace...

 Today is Veterans Day...

      ...a day to give tribute to those men and women who love this country so much they were willing to give up all other loves in there life. They stood to protect, honor, and serve this country in any way necessary.

I have been born to a family rich with the patriot spirit. Men from the first war this country fought all the way down to the youngest men have stood up, taken oath to protect and defend our country, her constitution, and her allies against her enemies domestic or foreign. My ancestors, my grandparents, my uncles, my cousins, have all been grateful to those before them and protective of those to come after. They love our freedoms protected and guaranteed by our Bill of Rights therefore walked without some of them in order to preserve them for us.

Eventually, I married a man of honor who also felt a deep and moving devotion and dedication to this country where so many opportunities are availed. He, too, is inspired to take up the burden of protection, sacrifice, and service.

I cannot imagine the things they've seen, done, and endured. Conversely I'm only able to imagine the amazing and wonderful things they have been apart of, the things they created, the blessings they brought to others.

Imagine how wonder it would be to know YOU were part of the reason someone now has running water; clean running water to drink and bathe in rather than the stale muddy water they had to carry in buckets to their "homes".

Imagine that because of You someone gets to learn to read and to write.

Imagine being someone children run to knowing you have a kindness, a candy, safety, a bottle of water, security.

Imagine that you have a mission to build a hospital where the infirm and injured can come and gain proper care.

Imagine the light in a mother's eyes because You or your buddy healed an illness, performed a surgery, or set a broken bone which you wouldn't have been able to seek due to distance and the inability to travel or pay.

Imagine chasing a bully away allowing neighborhoods or villages to life in better conditions, eat the whole of the food they grow, the milk their animals produce.

Imagine you make the difference.


Imagine if you thought it wasn't your was none of your business and those children got no education, no clean water, no security, treats, no health care, no relief.

We talk to often about soldiers the ugliness of war, but have you given yourself a moment to consider the good, the productive, the blessings of our brothers and sisters in these areas of conflict. Have you been able to read about or witness the rebuilding of civilization, the restructuring of government for peace and prosperity, the hospitals and school erected?

Oh should we not be proud! Should we not be pleased with our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, ought we not be joyous with our cousins and friends when they step and say that they will go, they will stand up for those who are in need regardless of the personal cost, regardless of the scary circumstances, regardless for their own personal safety because they know within themselves it's the right thing to do? Should we not look upon them with massive amounts of respect and gratitude for doing a moral right, or having the moral courage to leave behind comforts and entertainments and delicious foods while we sit back here continuing to indulge in our passions, our toys, and our treats?

Yes, indeed, our military members have served, fought and sacrificed. However, pulling triggers and launching bombs is not the sum total of their existence. 

They Give.
They Build. 
They Teach. 
They Mend.
They Sing. 
They Play. 
They Befriend.
They Protect. 
They Love. 
They Plant.
They Harvest. 
They Paint. 
They Filter.
They Pack. 
They Ship. 
They Dig.
They Enable.
They Work.

They do so much good. Governments may make decisions based on less than honorable intentions, but our service men and women while obeying there orders reach outside of themselves to work a mighty miracle for the people within those countries they've been sent.

So to all my family and friends who have and are serving in the military, and to all those whom I don't know, THANK YOU for your service, for your guardianship and  

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